

Scripts in the console are executed in a javascript container in order to process computations on the console cloud. Scripts only support basic javascript functions, nodeclass functions to parse data to and from devices, and script class functions for debugging purposes.


While executing a script, arguments aren't required unless some device-specific interface is needed. Alternatively, arguments can be strings of data themselves thus skipping any need for fetching data from device databases.

  	if( script.log(;
    else print("No NT argument given");
    //to test, pass arguments as:
    //where NT is the NODE_TOKEN as argument

Script Logs

Script logs are for debugging purposes and can only be viewed on the console when the Debug button is pressed. In comparison, print()prints the data as the externally viewable output of the script.

script.log(new Date() + "\t Test script");//log time and date of run
script.log("Args: ", args); //show the arguments passed to this script

print("This is published on run");

Interfacing with Devices

Scripts can read, set variables, and get single or multiple data rows from the device database using NODE_TOKEN or NT. Scripts can help to perform the switching of variables after analyzing rows of data because small devices can't hold a lot of data in their memory.

//get the NODE_TOKEN from the argumenets:
var NT = args.NT;

let variables = await node.getVariables(NT);
script.log("Variables:"); script.log(variables);

//setting a boolean variable
await node.setVariable(NT, 'heater', 'b', new_heater);

//setting an integer variable
await node.setVariable(NT, 'init', 'i', 100);

//setting a float variable (constant)
await node.setVariable(NT, 'init', 'f', 100, 1); //1:constant, 0: not-constant

//setting multiple variables:
await node.setVariables(NT, [{name:"var1", type:"i", value:10, constant:0}, {name:"var2", type:"f", value:20.6, constant:1}]);

//Get latest data row from last 0.5 hour:
let data = await node.getData(NT, 'latest', 0.5);
script.log("Data:"); script.log(data);

//Get multiple data rows from last 3 hours:
let data_rows = await node.getData(NT, 'multiple', 3);
script.log("Data:"); script.log(data_rows);

//add a new data row:
await pushData(NT, {"air": 0.5, "surfacer": 3.2});