
Tabahi IoT

We provide a DIY IoT cloud and integration service that connects all your devices to our cloud to create a single organism made up of all your devices. Our console is like a central brain for all your devices spread throughout the internet world.

Small devices are limited in their ability to compute, we provide the perfect solution by doing the heavy computational tasks on the cloud and by integrating all the devices seamlessly.

IoT as a a single organism made up of many organs that are seemlessly integrated.


  • Collect data from one node, process it on the cloud, and then send the output to another node.
  • Analyze the bulk of collected data because small devices can't process that much data.
  • Do machine learning on the cloud using the data collected.
  • Use cloud scripts to make predictions and control the nodes by themselves based on the pattern learned from the other nodes.
  • DIY: Easy to set up using your own readily available cheap devices.